Mini Clawed Crabs are a species of water crabs that like access to water and land. They prefer brackish water, but will tolerate fresh water, but not for very long. They will eat anything that settles to the bottom of their tank, such as small fish, algae, zucchini, squash, and yes, some have been known to eat their, um, well, poop. That means that you will not have to clean their container very much, only about 2-3 times a month. You can put 1-2 crabs in a large size Critter Keeper brand container, or if you want to spend a little more on your crab(s), you can buy a 10 gallon fish tank at a local pet store for around 20 dollars, and put 2 - 4 crabs in that. They need access to land where they can breathe air, and also get into water when they need to. This does not have to be difficult to set up though. You can purchase a piece of cleaned drift wood or a tiny log at a pet store, and place it where part of it is out of the water, but be sure that there is at least an inch of dry land per crab, because they can be territorial at times. If you are willing to put a little more money into their set-up, you can purchase an island that sticks up out of the water for them to get out of the water on. They only need about 2-3 inches of water, so this would not have to be a very big island.  To catch a mini clawed crab, I recommend using a small cup to scoop them up with, as they will climb the mesh net and jump onto the floor, never to be seen again. They can live in water temperatures as low as 74F and as high as 80F. I hope this helps you with your Mini Clawed Crab. Good luck! J                                  Title by www.BackgroundCity.com