Fiddler Fun Facts

A fiddler crab
Fiddler Crabs are a very interesting pet to keep, here is a list of cool facts that make them so interesting! Enjoy:)

1. Fiddlers are one of the most appearent busiest creatures on earth, they are always eating, digging, mating, and running around, never a still moment. 
2.They have one mouth, and it is in the middle of their body.
3.They eat neater than most crabs, daintaly sifting through the sand and placing each tiny partical in their tiny  mouths.
4.The females have an easier time eating, to eat as effictiontly as the girls, the male would have to eat 2x as fast!
5. The male fiddler crab has one tiny claw and one big one to wave at females.
6.They males can only eat with their tiny claw, not their big one. 
7. If at any time during their life they lose a claw or a leg, they will re-grow it the next time they molt.
8. They can live around 3.5 years in captivaty, that is a while for such a tiny crab. 
9.They, like most crabs are decapod, meaning that they have 10 legs.
10. Fiddler crabs change color, in the day-time, they are dark colors, and at night they are pale.
11.They enjoy digging burrows to sleep in and hide in from predators. 

Have fun with your fiddler and good luck!   :)